The Heart of Norwalk Specific Plan is currently being drafted!

The City presented the direction for the Heart of Norwalk Specific Plan to the City Council and public during the February 20th, 2024 City Council meeting. After receiving extensive positive feedback during this meeting the City is moving forward with drafting the Heart of Norwalk Specific Plan. Click the link below to access the presentation given during the February 20th City Council meeting. Stay tuned for more information about future community engagement opportunities!

Click here for the presentation from the City Council meeting on February 20th!

Now is the time for the people of Norwalk to plan for the revitalization of the Heart of our City and to take pride in the very unique and attractive place that it can become!

Illus Map-02-01.png

The Specific Plan will encompass three framework districts that preserve the City of Norwalk’s visual and cultural character, including the Front Street Historic District, Town Square District, and Triangle District. Based on extensive community engagement, a clear vision has been established for the future development and preservation of these three districts. Community engagement revealed the community’s desire for the revitalization of underutilized corridors such as San Antonio, Firestone, and Front Street. The community desires new commercial and residential development within the three framework districts, while prioritizing placemaking and open space. Currently, the Specific Plan is being written to establish the regulations and implementation strategies that will enable the development of the community’s vision in the Specific Plan area.


The Specific Plan will invite people to experience the neighborhood on foot and by bicycle as well by public transit and private car. In the midst of a difficult economic climate for office and retail, the Plan will also focus on housing, recommending areas, types and densities of new housing to help support new amenities and the desired vision for the community.

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